TV Series
The Series
CherryBomb is a New Media comedy series that follows two female entrepreneurs in their early twenties, Sofia and Iz, and their misadventures in New York City. Over 6-episodes, the duo departs from tradition 9-5 careers to find their own path and themselves along the way.
The Impact
We think the story is important for a myriad of reasons, but some of the most vital reasons are female empowerment and representation of immigrants in the United States. Not only is our story about strong women, but is also largely being brought to life by them. Half our creative team are women, which as we all know is exceptionally rare for a television series.
Our cast and crew represents 4 continents and 12 countries, which we are really proud of! Typically, international actors are asked to suppress accents & 'play America', but we've decided to embrace the internationality of our cast and creative team. In doing so, we hope to give a voice to communities that otherwise would remain unrepresented in American Pop-Culture.
Created by Quinn Cavin & Mafalda Pinto Correia
Directed by Quinn Cavin & Ryan Cairns
Executive Producers Quinn Cavin, Mafalda Pinto Correia, Larissa Castilho, André Vauthey, Will Maloney, and Swarnima Singh
Producers Mafalda Pinto Correia, Ana Moioli, Quinn Cavin, Ryan Cairns, Shai Frumkin
Featuring Mafalda Pinto Correia, Sarah Barnett, Christopher Michael Ward, Ana Moioli, Swarnima Singh, Tim Stainrod, Jason Lee, Sergey Petrov, and Daria Savishkina
Assistant Directed by Luisa Galatti, Ana Moioli, Kyvon Edwin, Maria Müller, Sofia Rautionmaa
Cinematography by Ricardo Acioli, Jonathan Chekroune, JP Pacca, Mariano Flores, and Daniel Olitzky
Music by Kaylee Shahira & Wolfi
Written by Quinn Cavin, Mafalda Pinto Correia, Ryan Cairns, and Sarah Barnett